Making Climate Change Personal

What words do you associate with climate change? Fear, destruction, pollution, degradation? These were some of the words offered by the audience at a keynote I delivered recently at a conference on EE. This might be one of our greatest challenges in EE these days: moving people from being frozen in fear about climate change, to becoming actively involved in climate action. I offered an alternate set of words: love, creativity, and hope.  By connecting the impacts of climate change to all that we love in the world, I aimed to make the threats it poses personal and emotional, igniting our innate desire to protection all that is important to us.  By demonstrating the central role of creativity in architectural, technological, and cultural shifts towards sustainability, I aimed to highlight the critical need for creativity and innovation in 21st learning. And by ending with David Orr’s memorable quote “hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up”, the audience left feeling empowered in taking climate action in their roles as educators.  So what are your words for climate change?  How do you situate it in your teaching? And how are you making it personal for your learners?

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