About Blog

This blog tracks Hilary Inwood’s ongoing explorations of eco-art education, the intersection of art, environment and education.

Hilary Inwood is a lecturer, researcher and artist at the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, where she is also the Lead of Environmental & Sustainability Education. She holds degrees in education (M.Ed, University of Toronto), art history (MA, York University) and art education (Ph.D, Concordia University). Her research focuses on integrating art education with environmental education to develop learners’ ecological literacy in school and community settings. Her work as an educator and artist extends beyond the classroom to include school gardens, outdoor education centres, parks and galleries.

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One Response to “About Blog”

  • Comment from Dorie

    …fascinating reading, Hilary. I’m glad you’re doing this – it’s a great way to learn about what’s out there and to find out what’s happening in your world! Thanks for sharing.

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