Just finished an eco-art project with my students at OISE I wanted to share. A team of B.Ed students headed up by Raysha Carmichael, Michelle Attard and Sindy Lui led the FLAP eco-art project to help raise awareness of the challenges of bird deaths around high buildings in the city. Over 300 handmade bird prints were created and distributed to all of the OISE offices with windows, reminding faculty and staff to do their part. The prints act as an artistic reminder for people to close their office blinds each night, as well as turn off overhead office lights and use task-focused lighting at night. Faculty and staff were in quite a flap about the prints – they loved them!  (We didn’t mention that turning off their lights and closing blinds are also great energy conservation measures…) Just goes to show that eco-art activism can be a wonderful way to get people on board with a project – far more effective than a memo or flyer! For more info on the project, here’s the link: